Debugging Data Generation#

We provide some useful suggestions for debugging data generation runs.

Source Demo Validation#

Get Source Dataset Information#

You can use the script to validate whether the source demonstrations you are using have the expected DatagenInfo structure, and are using the correct Environment Interface:

$ python mimicgen/scripts/ --dataset datasets/source/square.hdf5

It will print out information that looks like the following. This is a good way to also validate the object poses and subtask termination signals present in the file:

Environment Interface: MG_Square
Environment Interface Type: robosuite

Structure of datagen_info in episode demo_0:
  eef_pose: shape (127, 4, 4)
  gripper_action: shape (127, 1)
    square_nut: shape (127, 4, 4)
    square_peg: shape (127, 4, 4)
    grasp: shape (127,)
  target_pose: shape (127, 4, 4)

Visualizing Subtasks in Source Dataset#

You can visualize each subtask segment in a source demonstration using the script.

The script needs to be aware of the order of the subtask signals as well as the maximum termination offsets being used (see the Subtask Termination Signals) page for more information on offsets) – this can be specified by providing a config json (--config) or by providing the sequence of signals (--signals) and offsets (--offsets) for all except the last subtask. The end of each subtask is defined as the timestep of the first 0 to 1 transition in the corresponding signal added to the maximum offset value.

The script supports either on-screen rendering (--render) or off-screen rendering to a video (--video_path). If using on-screen rendering, the script will pause after every subtask segment. If using off-screen rendering, the video alternates between no borders and red borders to show each subtask segment.

# render on-screen
$ python --dataset /path/to/demo.hdf5 --config /path/to/config.json --render

# render to video
$ python --dataset /path/to/demo.hdf5 --config /path/to/config.json --video_path /path/to/video.mp4

# specify subtask information manually instead of using a config
$ python --dataset /path/to/demo.hdf5 --signals grasp_1 insert_1 grasp_2 --offsets 10 10 10 --render

The script is useful to tune the Subtask Termination Signals specified through the environment interface (the get_subtask_term_signals method) or the manual annotations provided through scripts/ have defined that subtask segments properly, as well as the offsets you are using in the data generation config.


When you change the get_subtask_term_signals method, you should re-run the script on the source data to re-write the subtask termination signals to the dataset.

Visualization during Data Generation#

The main data generation script (scripts/ also has some useful features for debugging, including on-screen visualization (--render), off-screen rendering to video (--video_path), running a quick run for debugging (--debug), and pausing after each subtask execution (--pause_subtask):

# run normal data generation
$ python --config /path/to/config.json

# render all data generation attempts on-screen
$ python --config /path/to/config.json --render

# render all data generation attempts to a video
$ python --config /path/to/config.json --video_path /path/to/video.mp4

# run a quick debug run
$ python --config /path/to/config.json --debug

# pause after every subtask to debug data generation
$ python --config /path/to/config.json --render --pause_subtask